Custom Glass Solutions visits FMCA Rally in Perry, GA to Showcase Our RV Glass Innovations

This March, Custom Glass Solutions was excited to be represented at the Family Motor Coach Association’s 99th International Convention & RV Expo in Perry, Georgia.

Thousands of RVers filled the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter from March 13 to 16, 2019. The four-day event had an array of activities for the entire family: Exhibits featuring products and services for the RV lifestyle, tours of the latest RVs, educational seminars, entertainment, food, and games.

The Custom Glass Solutions team manned booth #210, where they handed out decks of RV-branded playing cards and talked about the company’s FMCA Windshield Replacement Program.

Exhibiting at the FMCA Rally in Perry was the perfect opportunity to connect with the RVing community, and educate its members on Custom Glass’ commitment to style, safety, and sophistication for motorhomes.

“FMCA’s conventions give us excellent opportunities to have face-to-face conversations with our end users,” said Matt Eder, General Manager of CGS’s RV Glass Network. “We hear firsthand the challenges RV’ers are having when it comes to RV glass and that helps us provide better products and services.”

Custom Glass Solutions is the leading producer of large-format, laminated glass in North America. The company produces one-piece windshields for RVs, agricultural equipment, commercial transportation, public transportation, and lifestyle vehicles. See our RV glass solutions and innovations here.

Since 1963, The Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) has issued more than 475,000 memberships to families who look to the association as their source of information about all facets of motorhome ownership and travel.