To Avoid RV Window Replacement, We Offer Some Tips

As RV enthusiasts ourselves, we know how crucial it is to keep your beloved RV in top shape for those open-road adventures. One essential but often overlooked part of RV upkeep? Window care. RV windows endure a lot—from extreme weather to road dust and debris and more—so staying proactive can make a real difference when it comes to the longevity of this very important element of RVs. Even though we’re the leading manufacturer of Class A RV windshields in North America, we’d prefer to sell our manufactured glass windshields to the makers of RVs – not to owners who need to replace their windshield due to some accidental mishap. Thus, for our monthly blog post this time, we’ve gathered some practical tips to help you protect your trusted windshield – avoiding unnecessary RV window replacement and keeping the views crystal clear!

Keep RV Windshields Clean with Regular Maintenance

Regular cleaning helps prevent scratches and glass deterioration from dirt, dust and road grime. We recommend using a soft, non-abrasive cloth and a mild soap solution to wipe down windows. Steer clear of harsh chemicals and rough materials, which can damage the glass abrasively or affect the sealants around the edges. This surprisingly simple habit will keep your windows clear and help prevent long-term damage.

Inspect Windshield Seals to Prevent Leaks

RV window seals – gaskets and/or moldings – are the unsung heroes of your RV’s interior protection, especially when it comes to safeguarding both your windows and windshield glass. Seals not only hold the windshield to the windshield frame, but also serve to keep outdoor elements such as moisture and rain from gaining access to your RV’s interior. Over time, however, these seals can wear down due to temperature, heat and cold, and age, which can lead to leaks or water damage inside your vehicle.

Check your window seals and window frame regularly for cracks, gaps, or signs of wear. If you notice any issues, call CGS and we’ll help you find a qualified glass shop to assess the damage and help determine next steps. Solid seals keep water out and save you from potential headaches later.

Shield Windows from Temperature Extremes

RV and motorhome windows naturally expand and contract with temperature changes, which over time can lead to damage. Whenever possible, avoid parking your RV in direct sunlight or in extreme weather conditions for extended periods. A shaded parking spot in a large garage or storage space, under a canopy of trees, or even the use of thermal shades that cover your windshield can help regulate temperature changes, putting less stress on the glass.

Choose Parking Spots Carefully

Parking wisely is a simple yet effective way to avoid windshield damage. Look for spots away from trees, where falling branches might scratch or even crack the glass. Also, stay clear of high-traffic areas where passing vehicles could kick up rocks. A little extra mindfulness when parking can prevent unexpected chips, cracks and scratches that will require a windshield repair or replacement.

Inspect Windows After Each Trip

Every trip can impact your windows in unique ways, so as an RV owner, give windows and windshield a quick inspection when you’re back home after each trip. Look for chips, cracks, or signs of moisture buildup. Addressing minor issues now can prevent them from growing into larger, costly problems. Repairing small chips early helps you avoid full window replacements and keeps your RV road-ready.

Use Gentle Tools for Window Cleaning

The tools you use really matter! For scratch-free cleaning, stick to microfiber cloths or soft sponges, and avoid abrasive materials even like paper towels. And if your RV windows are tinted, use cleaners specifically designed for tinted glass to prevent fading or peeling.

Protecting Your RV Windshield and Windows, One Trip at a Time

With a bit of regular care, your RV windows can stay in excellent shape for years, giving you clear, uninterrupted views. At Custom Glass Solutions, we’re more than just a glass manufacturer—we’re your dedicated RV service partner in keeping your windows in peak condition, whether through maintenance or windshield/windows replacement.

Supplying many of the most-popular RV brands with custom-made RV windshields for their RV roll-outs, we also specialize in high-quality, direct-fit replacement windows and parts for campers, motorhomes and RVs of all types.  We hope you won’t need to replace your RV windshield, but if you do, our team is committed to helping you find the perfect glass solution – with expert advice and top-quality products designed for durability and ease. We offer:

·        Direct-fit RV windshield replacement for a wide range of RV makes and models.

·        Specialized parts and accessories to keep your windows functioning smoothly.

·        Expert customer support to guide you every step of the way.

From windshield glass repairs to RV windshield replacements, Custom Glass Solutions has a network of 3,000+ glass shops ready to assist you in the event of need, plus our outstanding original equipment windshields for many makes and models. Have questions or need assistance? Please reach out to us here to begin a conversation. Thanks for reading.

Written by Matt Eder

Matt Eder